Fathers and children – Wallpaper.

A collection of aphorisms and quotes in the direction of the final essay 2018/2019 “Fathers and Sons”.

“Love and respect for parents is without a doubt a holy feeling” (V.G. Belinsky).
“Love for parents is the basis of all virtues” (Cicero).
A person has three disasters: death, old age, and bad children. No one can close the doors of their home from old age and death, but the children themselves can save the house from bad children ”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).
“An ungrateful son is worse than someone else’s: this is a criminal, because the son has no right to be indifferent to his mother” (G. Maupassant).
“Disrespect for the ancestors is the first sign of immorality” (A.S. Pushkin).
“A pain stings sharper when one of the relatives inflicts it” (Babriy).
“Nothing happens so rarely in the world as complete frankness between parents and children” (R. Rolland).
Most of us become parents without ceasing to be children. Mignon McLaughlin
Marriage is the many years of heroic work of father and mother, raising their children to their feet. George Bernard Shaw
So who should not have children, so are the parents. Samuel Butler
When a child has grown up, it’s time for parents to learn to stand on their own feet. Francis Hope
Even the devil in his hell would like to have polite and obedient angels. Vladislav Grzhegorchik
Children listen most carefully when they are not talking to them. Eleanor Roosevelt
If only parents could imagine how annoying their children are! George Bernard Shaw
If you want to teach your children how to steal, make them beg for more of everything you give them. Henry Wheeler Show
If the child suddenly became obedient, the mother is scared in earnest – whether he is going to die. Ralph Emerson
When the children puzzled his father, he sent them to a corner. Valery Mironov
When my parents finally realized that they had abducted me, they did not hesitate for a minute and immediately rented my room. Woody Allen
When dealing with a five-year-old child, the main danger is that very soon you will begin to speak like a five-year-old. Gene Kerr
When I was fourteen, my father was so stupid that I could hardly bear it; but when I turned twenty-one, I was amazed how much this old man has grown wiser in the past seven years. Mark Twain.
When, finally, you realize that your father was usually right, your son is already growing up, convinced that his father is usually wrong. Lawrence Peter.
Curious: with each generation, children are getting worse and parents are getting better; it follows that from more and more poor children more and more good parents grow up. Weslav Brudzinsky.
We love our children too much and our parents too little. Alfred Conar
No child can disgrace parents like a parent – a child. Jan Kurchab.
Never note the similarities between children and their father: this can cause unpleasant amazement. Stanislav Jerzy Lets.
Fathers should be neither seen nor heard. Only on this basis can a strong family be built. Oscar Wilde.
Paternal and filial feelings are different: the father has love for his son; son has a love for the memory of his father. Unknown Englishman (XVIII century).
The first half of our lives is poisoned by our parents, the second by children. Clarence Darrow
The habits of fathers, both bad and good, turn into vices of children. Vasily Klyuchevsky.

List of literary works on the theme “Fathers and Sons”

A.A. Alexin “First Day”, “Late Child”, “Meanwhile, Somewhere …”, “Says the Seventh Floor”;
A.V. Vampilov “The Eldest Son”;
N.M. Garin-Mikhailovsky “Childhood Themes”;
N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”;
I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”;
A.S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”;
B.P. Yekimov “The Night of Healing”;
VK. Zheleznikov “Night Wind”;
A.N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”;
K.G. Paustovsky “Telegram”;
A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”;
V.F. Tendryakov “Payback”;
L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”;
I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”;
DI. Fonvizin “Undergrowth”;
W. Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”;
L.E. Ulitskaya “Medea and her children.”
Sample essays to the direction “Fathers and Sons”
Is it important for a person to receive parental parting words?
“The present age” and “the past age”: is agreement possible?
“This century and the past”: the causes of the conflict.
At what times does the conflict between “fathers and children” escalate?
Is truth always on one side in generational conflicts?
Are the covenants of the fathers always valuable?
What are the sources of misunderstanding between people of different generations?
What do you think parental love should be?
“To be proud of the glory of their ancestors is not only possible, but must be …” (A.S. Pushkin)
What role can a family play in becoming an individual?
What is the significance of youth in human life?
Is a conflict between “fathers” and “children” inevitable?
“Fathers” and “children”: rivals or allies?
Why don’t children and parents always understand each other?
Why are “fathers and children” an eternal topic?
Why is the older generation so rarely quite young?
Why is it important to keep intergenerational communication?
Why is the theme of “fathers and children” often present in many works of literature?
Parents and children: argument or dialogue?
Is truth born in the argument of generations?
The role of parental guidance in human life.
Is it difficult to be an adult?
How can the experience of fathers be valuable to children?
What can fathers and children learn from each other?
What does it mean to be an adult?
What can stop fathers and children from understanding each other?
What are family traditions and why are they needed?
Is the dispute of generations eternal? (Here are the themes of 2014-2015 in the direction of “The dispute of generations: together and apart.” The fourth thematic direction of the final essay in 2014-2015, “The dispute of generations: together and apart,” echoes the theme of this year, “Fathers and Sons”)


How can the theme “Fathers and Sons” be addressed?

Fathers and children as an eternal topic (problem) in literature and life. Here you can consider the theme of “fathers and children” in the cultural, historical aspect, as an eternal problem. The conflict of generations, its inevitability, the struggle of the old and the new. Causes of conflict, solutions.

The relationship of “fathers” and “children” (what they are, what they can be). Relationships in the family. The role of parents (father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, etc.) in a person’s life, in the formation of his character, in his development. The influence of adults on the future of the child, the influence of children on parents. Childhood / Maturity. Raising the younger generation. The continuity of generations.

Orphanhood (spiritual, physical). Patrons, benefactors.

The instigators and followers in science, art, culture, history, etc.

This direction addresses the eternal problem of human existence, associated with the inevitability of a generational change, harmonious and disharmonious relations between “fathers” and “children”.
This topic has been touched upon in many works of literature, which discusses various types of interaction between representatives of different generations (from conflict confrontation to mutual understanding and continuity) and identifies the causes of the confrontation between them, as well as ways of their spiritual rapprochement.